Resources on Demand, Reports on Demand, Print on Demand, Macrosoft Products

Resources on-Demand

Macrosoft’s Resources on-Demand system is a powerful, cost-effective tool for handling the management of emergency situations faced by the utility industry. Specifically designed for electric utilities, Macrosoft’s Resources on-Demand (RoD) is a network-based, multi-user tool that manages resource requests, tracks personnel movements, and supports logistics during a large-scale restoration event.

ROD replaces existing workarounds, manual processing, and spreadsheets with a single, central database to ensure consistent and accurate data entry and retrieval by concurrent users. The database captures all activity within historical tables that are available for all post storm debriefings, reviews, and discussions.

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Reports on Demand

Reports on Demand turns data into information, allowing your leaders to efficiently run their operations. Like nuggets of gold, we have found that the answers to most questions are hidden deep within your mountains of data, Reports on Demand turns your data into corporate gold.
Reports on Demand assembles scattered elements of data from around your company and presents intelligent information in friendly formats that are customizable so your business leaders can make better decisions for your business.

Clients tell us most reporting tools they use fall in one of two categories. The first category contains systems that are able to assemble all the information, but are so complicated that they require a technology expert to run, produce, and run the reports. The second category contains systems that are easy to use, but superficial with the real information and flexibility they provide.

At Macrosoft we have bridged together these two requirements creating a simple to use system that has the ability to mine deep for knowledge. Best of all – our system is completely web-based so it can be securely accessed by your team at real time, anywhere in the world.

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Prints on Demand

Macrosoft’s Print-On-Demand (POD) technology services provide an unparallel combination of functionality and flexibility that can be used to economically and efficiently meet the needs of a wide range of variable print business applications.

Our proprietary software provides equal or greater functionality compared to the higher-cost and “packaged” POD products that are on the market today. In addition, it allows for a great deal of customization to enable business solutions that appear to be uniquely tailored for a particular customer account. Our solutions are in use today by several Fortune 500 corporations in the financial, pharmaceutical and media/entertainment industries.

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